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Us doing it ... a bit of rental & personal reno.

No children were hurt during filming. 

Our Story​


Hi to you all, 


Firstly, thanks for your interest in Prospects, and thanks for being interested in who we are :-)  

Our friends and family encouraged us to tell the Prospects story... so here goes.


We are based in Nelson, NZ. This is where Prospects was born.


A couple of years ago we started to think about our future, what we wanted for the years ahead and in particularly in retirement. While we are a few years out from that as we are in our late 40's, we are also probably fairly late starters compared with some investors.


Nonetheless we made the conscious decision, and investment, to learn and understand the property investment process. A couple of years ago we attended a Property Investment Coaching program - which we really enjoyed and got a huge amount from. We definitely recommend getting good advice to set you off on your personal pathway. 


However, when we returned home we soon realised that to analyse each property deal, of which there can be a lot until you find the right one, takes a fair amount of time, brain power, a myriad of paper and calculations. When we stacked them altogether it felt complex, and felt pretty overwhelming. We just needed something different.


Tanya is a database developer with a career in IT with some leading public and private organisations. Tanya's skills are putting all the calculations, analysis, projections and data tucked nicely away behind an easy to use, intuitive interface - this helps her husband Al immensely.

Al really likes good systems, put stuff in... spit things out, and Al adds his business development skills which compliments Tanya's design skills. 


We originally built Prospects for us to support our Property Investment journey. We own residential investment properties in the South Island. Our renovation team is a bunch of skilled labourer's aka our 3 sons who are aged between 12 & 15. We also have a great investment and property management team to support us & enjoy doing renovations with them. Renovations help build a better community, it improves housing that is already there, and we get great tenants who appreciate our efforts. We used Prospects to great effect to buy our last properties​, and are continuously reviewing whats hot and whats not as we look to buy again.


We sincerely believe Prospects will help you on your journey, we encourage you to think of it as a tool in your toolbox to help you build towards your goals, and if your neighbour or friend asks about it, then share it with them too.


Thanks again for your interest


Happy Prospecting :-) 


Tanya, Al and boys


Our Story
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