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Product Features | Lite | Pro |
Break Cost Analysis - Coming soon
| No | Yes |
Add additional Loans
| No | Yes |
Show portfolio performance over time
| No | Yes |
Analyse new purchases against your portfolio
| No | Yes |
Instant view of entire portfolio - cash flow and capital growth
| No | Yes |
NEW - Air BnB analysis
| Yes | Yes |
2 loans per property with separate terms
| Yes | Yes |
Principle & Interest or Interest Only loans
| Yes | Yes |
Display projected property performance over time
| Yes | Yes |
Desktop, Tablet and Phone Access
| Yes | Yes |
Apply your buying rules to any property | Yes | Yes |
Test different purchase scenarios: eg: rent, renovations, market growth
| Yes | Yes |
Links to national sales data, current Interest rates, localised Rates & Rents | Yes | Yes |
Import TradeMe property details & photos instantly | Yes | Yes |
Compare and analyse individual or multiple properties (unlimited) | Yes | Yes |
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